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Minutes 040405
Historic District Commission Meeting Minutes
Regular Meeting
Monday, April 4, 2005

Memorial Town Hall, 52 Lyme Street, Old Lyme, CT

Jim Bechtel (Cochairman, Regular), Kenneth Levin (Cochairman, Regular), Barbara Traskos (Regular), Paul Sagristano (Regular), Joanne DiCamillo (Alternate), Elizabeth Chamberlain (Alternate)

Nina Peck (Regular), Tom Keogh (Alternate)

1.      44 Lyme Street – Mr. Hammond: Business sign application
2.      49 Lyme Street – Mr. John Rhodes: School planting plans
3.      Lyme Street inventory of properties – Ken Levin
4.      Secretary’s report – Anna Silberberg
5.      Any other new or old business to come before the Commission
6.      Adjournment

Meeting was called to order at 9.15 A.M. by Cochairman Ken Levin.
A motion was made by Jim Bechtel, seconded by Joanne DiCamillo and voted unanimously to amend the minutes of March 7, 2005 as follows: Under item 6.b) add: “Any tree removal or trimming in Old Lyme  has to be approved beforehand in writing by the property owner.”
1.      44 Lyme Street - Mr. Hammond: Business sign application
Decision: Certificate of Appropriateness application from 02/07/05 was approved by a vote of 4 to 1. Paul Sagristano opposed.
Action: None, applicant has been notified of decision.
2.      49 Lyme Street – Mr. John Rhodes
Planting plans to screen the school loading dock were presented to the Commission by John Rhodes. Areas “I” and “II” will be planted as follows:
Area I:
The plan is to plant 4 double file viburnums and 4 inkberries.
Joanne DiCamillo commented that a general rule of thumb is to plant in odd numbers. John Rhodes responded, in that case, they will probably plant 3 double file viburnums and 3 or possibly 4 inkberries depending on space.
Ken Levin asked why viburnum was selected and not an evergreen, rhododendron for example. John Rhodes said that rhododendron is very sensitive to salt and is not good too close to a road. Viburnum is as tall as it is high and is dense even when it loses its leaves.
Area II:
A Royal Star magnolia will be planted to match the plantings in the front of the Middle School. The magnolia grows to 8 or 9 feet. Joanne DiCamillo commented that the Royal Star magnolia can be very susceptible to wind and frost damage and therefore may not bloom if it is a cold spring. It also likes afternoon sun. She advised mulching heavily (but not high) the first year as the magnolia is shallow-rooted.
Elizabeth Chamberlain asked if there is any historical significance to any of the suggested plantings. John Rhodes did not know but said that the goal is a natural and informal look rather than a formal appearance.  
Depending on availability, Mr. Rhodes plans to plant at the end of April or beginning of May.
The Commission appreciated the presentation and approved the plans by a voice vote. A Certificate of Appropriateness is not required.
Action: School District (Mr. Rhodes) will keep the Historic District Commission informed about planting progress and results.
3.      Lyme Street inventory of properties – Ken Levin
The Historic District Commission will submit a press release to the next issue of the Old Lyme Tymes Newsletter announcing that all properties on Lyme Street will be photographed this spring. In addition, a letter will be sent to all property owners in the Historic District.
Action: Submit press release to Old Lyme Tymes Newsletter and send letter to property owners (Anna Silberberg).
4.      Secretary’s report – Anna Silberberg
a) The Commission’s page on the Town's web site is almost ready for review by Commission members. The online form for CofA applications is already available and can be downloaded from this page.
Action: Anna Silberberg will notify members when review version of web page is available.
b) Paul Sagristano and Betty Chamberlain volunteered to act as contacts for the Commission’s memberships in the Connecticut Trust for Historic Preservation and the National Trust for Historic Preservation.
Action: Anna Silberberg to apply for membership in these two organizations.
c) Anna Silberberg is investigating grants available for work related to Historic District Commissions and specifically the availability of grants for entering Historic District Information into Old Lyme's new online GIS system.  At a later stage, it could be checked if there are grants available to create a historic walking tour. This might be done in cooperation with the newly formed Old Lyme Historical Society.
Action: Anna Silberberg to monitor Town’s progress of GIS implementation and report to the Historic District Commission.
d) Anna Silberberg asked that all Commission members reply to any emails asking for input from the Commission members.
5.      Any other new or old business to come before the Commission
a) Old Lyme Art Alliance, OLAA – Bob Potter (Lyme Art Association), Fred Osborne (Lyme Academy College of Fine Arts), Jeff Cooley (Cooley Gallery)
The fourth member of the OLAA is the Florence Griswold Museum.
A document was presented to the Commission by Bob Potter listing OLAA members, its mission, key goals and projects (attached to these minutes). The Alliance is preparing a brochure for this summer, creating signage and hoping to implement improvement of Lyme Street walkways. Fred Osborne said that one of the goals is “to create a rhythm on Lyme Street between the OLAA members.”
Ken Levin commented that the Commission is very interested in signage plans for Lyme Street. Jeff Cooley said that the idea is to create an OLAA sign that can be placed on member buildings. Bob Potter said that the next step is to prepare sign sketches.
Jim Bechtel suggested houses on Lyme Street where artists lived could be mentioned in the OLAA brochure. The Historic District Commission plans to look into creating a historic walking tour which would complement the plans of OLAA.
Joanne DiCamillo noted that the Tree Commission would like to advise on any walkway plans in order to make sure that trees and their roots are protected. She also said that the state owns the area around the highway overpass and therefore the state has to clean it up.
Jim Bechtel asked if the sign in front of the Lyme Academy College of Fine Arts building will be changed. At the moment it is not positioned properly. Fred Osborne said that the sign will be either lowered or moved and, in addition, the circle in front of the building will be replanted.
Action: OLAA to present sign sketches to the Historic District Commission.
b) 7-1 Lyme Street (9 Lyme Street/Boxwood) - Carol Brown
Carol Brown informed the Commission about a decision to put vinyl siding on 7-1 Lyme Street. The building is owned by an association of four condo owners and the property owner, Mr. Greg Silver.
Several Commission members noted that although it cannot be formally prohibited, the Commission strongly opposes vinyl siding, especially on buildings that can be seen from Lyme Street and/or buildings of historical significance.
It was noted that this building probably dates from around 1873 and it does have historic significance. As 7-1 Lyme Street falls within the Old Lyme Historic District, the Commission will discuss this matter further with the Town’s Zoning Enforcement Officer as well as the property owner (Mr. Greg Silver).
Action: Contact Zoning Enforcement Officer, Ann Brown, to discuss the matter further (Jim Bechtel).
c) 47 Lyme Street
Cochairman Jim Bechtel noted that approved CofA's are not transferable to a new owner (in case of a sale).
Action: None
d) 22 Lyme Street & 30 Lyme Street - Christ the King Church
The Church properties are now for sale. They are zoned for residential or existing (church) use only. Broker (Coldwell-Banker) is aware that the properties are part of the Historic District.
Action: None
e) 85 Lyme Street/Old Lyme Inn – Keith Green
A Certificate of Appropriateness was approved (on 02/24/05) for a new door to access the terrace. More extensive plans have since been discussed by Keith Green with the Zoning Enforcement Officer, Ann Brown, and the HDC Cochairman, Jim Bechtel. This revised plan requires a new CofA application including drawings.
Action: Commission to contact Keith Green and request a new CofA application (including applicable fee) and drawings of planned work.
6.      Adjournment
Elizabeth Chamberlain made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 11.35 A.M. The motion was seconded by Paul Sagristano and passed unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,
Anna Silberberg
Recording Secretary